Golden Retrievers -- Defined Traits Relating To This Golden
The Golden Retriever is certainly one of the most popular dogs ever. They have the unusual ability to retrieve a shot game without damaging it that is why they are known as retriever. This water-loving dog breed is easy to train, and they are quite obedient as well. They are highly intellectual and this is the reason they are often golden retriever vs labrador smart part of search and rescue operations as well as in assisting handicapped people. The following are more information about Golden Retrievers that should be remembered at all times.Because of the fact that a Golden Retriever has different regional variations, there are some attributes that might not be comparable among them. But as far as characteristics are concerned, they are strongly similar. The typical color of their coat is rich golden and cream. This dog breed is medium-large in size with dense inner coat providing them warmth during cold weather particularly when they are outdoors. However, they have water-resistant outer coat allowing them to play in the water easily. The ears of the Golden Retriever are relatively short and their head is wide. Their muzzle has well-defined stop. The shade of their nose could either be brownish black or black and when talking about their eyes, these are typically dark brown in color.
Gentle, patient, frolicsome, and well-mannered are some of the qualities of this dog, hence they are safe to have even when kids are around. They can easily get used to environment. They can interact with other dogs and persons too. Their master must exhibit leadership so that they will be pleased. Actually, behavioral problems could be avoided if the main caregiver is a consistently firm, relaxed, and positive pack leader. Mental and physical exercises should also be provided to the Golden Retriever regularly. If they are kept indoors without exercise routines, they are likely to become destructive. Golden Retriever seldom attacks unknown people because they are good-natured, but they can be great watch dogs because they can bark loudly.
Though they are heavy shedders, this breed can be groomed easily. Caregivers just need to bath them if it is actually needed or at least every two months. However, you have to dry shampoo their coat on a regular basis. Whenever possible, their coat must be brushed with a firm bristle brush alone. Because of the dense nature of their undercoat, combing and brushing the area must be carried out in a careful way. Bald patches are signs that they are not feeling good.
Golden Retrievers need to dwell in a place where there is open area where they can perform their exercises. However, they have the impulse to wander so be sure to have your lawn fenced. Golden Retriever can still live in an apartment, but be sure to provide them with adequate exercise that they need.
This breed is definitely the excellent pet for people with an active lifestyle. Actually, the Golden Retriever likes to heel beside or behind you when you jog, run, or go for a brisk walk. A common health threat for this breed is skin allergies; hence, you have to bring them to a vet for regular check up. In addition, you have to control the amount of food that you will give them because they have the tendency to become overweight.